MATE Matters: Home Carer’s Course
15th June 2021
Two years ago, Jikani offered a Home Carer Course to 14 ladies here in Hogsback. The course was led by a community nursing sister over a period of 6 weeks. The course material included both theoretical and practical classes.
After intense lecturing, demonstrations and real-life-acting out of various scenarios, the candidates entered an exam consisting of both the theory and practice, 12 of the 14 candidates completed the course and passed. This was a proud day, of huge celebrations, and jubilations.
Since that time several of these ladies have been helping with the aged and frail both in their own rural villages, as well as here in Hogsback.
Meet Ms Rose-Beauty Nzwanana: She has nursed three patients in the last two years here in Hogsback:
1. A 94 year old lady who struggled with dementia
2. A 68 year old gentleman with Parkinson's and currently
3. A 68 year old gentleman with end stage Colon cancer.
Being in the midst of a third wave of Covid, all the required protection gear is required. Here is Rosie in her protective gear, ready to shave her patient and then read to him.
Apart from her patient skills, she is a committed Christian and always spreads hope and love.
Thank you, for being part of this Community Project in your prayers and financial assistance. It is greatly valued.
Wishing you a lovely summer season, while we enjoy crispy weather in the southern hemisphere.
Norma Fivaz
Chair: Jikani Board
Main road, Hogsback 5721. Tel: 045 962 1001. .
126-277NPO . PBO No. 930056685
For financial support: Jikani
First National Bank account # 62 39 113 2075