Support CATE
Opportunities to Give:
Camp at the Eastward (CATE) provides programs and opportunities for youth and adults throughout the year thanks to the contributions of individuals and organizations like you. Many of the youth who come to participate in summer camp are from low- income families in the Franklin and Somerset County areas, some of the poorest communities in the state. For many of our campers CATE is their first or only experience of a church/faith connection.
Although costs for supplies and services continue to increase, our goal is to accept ALL youth who want to come regardless of the ability to pay. We are calling on the talents of those who serve and are served at camp, on fundraising efforts and mission partnerships to strengthen the life of Camp at the Eastward.
At Camp at the Eastward, we value your time and talents. Volunteers are our greatest assets. You, too, can enrich CATE offerings and programs:
* Adventure Challenge Course & Recreation
* Offer your talents as a special program volunteer or counselor
* Organize or participate in the Challenge/ Ropes course, a retreat, or another special event at Camp at the Eastward.
* Organize a Fundraiser in support of CATE programs or projects
Planned Giving
Please remember Camp at the Eastward when you are planning your yearly pledges, your will or estate planning or holiday gift giving to honor a friend or relative. Scheduled or planned giving helps the camp to plan for the future.